.. recently someone asked me if I had gotten a Shoe Cake for my birthday.
Considering that my own MOTHER didn’t get me a cake for my birthday, the answer was sadly no.
So.. seriously.. this was the cake she was referring to:
Is this not a cake befitting of a shoe whore??
When I first saw this picture over at CakeWrecks.Com, I couldn’t stop staring at it. I called for everyone who was ANYWHERE NEAR my general vicinity to come and fawn over this confection of awesomeness.
I said that that if anyone wanted to present this cake to me on my birthday, I would die in eternal happiness.
Nobody did.
So I’m just going to guess that nobody wanted me to die!!
Anyway.. having a husband who is in this field and has the ABILITY although not the CREATIVITY to do something like this is like the fish that fell in love with the bird.
I’m rambling.
See what looking at shit like this does to me!!!
I did a little finger walking and found a few other’s that I liked ..

I will say that I absolutely adore the tissue paper and bow.
And I would DEFINITELY NOT turn this cake away if it just so happened to grace my table on my next birthday.
In June.
The 26th.
Just in case you wanted to know!!
Love the colors.. LOVE THE SHOE!!
In fact, I have a pair of Gucci’s that are soooo similiar I am going to convince myself that someone actually commissioned this cake for me but somewhere between there and here, they hit one of the major pot holes littering the highway that the poor thing just toppled over and became a heap of sugar and fondant mess!!
Because they couldn’t give me a messed up cake, right??
And kudos for them for keeping it a secret!!
I only kidding around folks.. but really, I am blown away by the creativity of these cakes and if you ever watched the Food Network Cake Challenges.. you know just how hard something like this is to pull off.
Now.. if you want to see some NOT so good renditions, check out cakewrecks.com … you’ll be peeing yourself!
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