Here’s a secret..
As much as I love shoes.. I’m actually a bare foot person. There’s nothing I love more then kicking off my shoes when I get home and running around the house or the yard bare footed.
So as soon as the weather starts getting warm, my toes start their campaign to plead their case in front of the parole board and be set free.
There hasn’t been a denial yet!
But just because there’s less SHOE .. doesn’t mean you have to forgo the FABOOSH!

Casadei 2021 1260.00usd Endless.Com
Take, for example, these Casadei sandals on the left. In my world “Faboosh” doesn’t exactly mean expensive but these puppies here go for $1260.00
You, read that right.
Now please get off the floor before the police come and tape around your body.
While I HAVE spent that much on a pair of shoes WAY before the responsibilities of step-parenthood.. I wouldn’t dream of spending that much on a sandal.
And those baubles? Yea.. not real.

Casadei 2097 for 188.10 ON SALE at
So sorry, can’t justify these.. however, if you WANT to have a Casadie sandal, I did find these on the right at a much more reasonable price.
That is.. if you consider 188.10 on sale, a reasonable price. I personally don’t.. again, that’s a lot of money for not that much shoe but to each her own. If you love them, then go for it sunshine!!
Unless I’m going to a function, I like to keep my sandals at a reasonable price. I tend to wear the hell out of them daily so for me, it doesn’t seem prudent to spend a lot of money on them. Under $25 seems reasonable to me.
I went a head and found some really cool sandals at BareFeetShoes.Com that won’t break your bank.

Anna Almeira on sale for 9.99
Although I’m not really a “jelly” person .. I tend to think they make your feet sweat more then wearing two pairs of socks and thermal boots in the winter .. I like the multi color beading on top.
These will go with just about anything in your closet and would make a great shoe for walking on hot sand or even into the ocean.
And for $9.99, you can’t really beat it.

J. Loren for 24.99
I think I already mentioned that I love anything with stones on them and this pair of J. Loren black slides gives a casual shoe a little of the ‘omph’ factor.
I think these would look cute paired with a short skirt or capris.
I don’t necessarily like wearing these types of shoes with long pants but again, to each her own!

By Melody for 24.99
These Melody slides are right up my alley and would fit perfectly with my wardrobe. A little more casual then the black pair but with a little more interesting embellishment.
Don’t know about you, but I tend to lean more towards earth tones when I want something casual and black for something dressier.
But never red.
For some reason, no matter how expensive red shoes are they always look cheap.
Call me quirky.. I accept that sash with pride!!
And alas.. I have no sure fire tips for wearing the thong between your toes. I get just as irritated by them as the next gal so if YOU have a way to beat the blisters or callouses.. give me a holler! I’d love to know about it!
And remember… you’re feet will be out on display so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure they don’t look busted up. Not saying that you should have a professional pedicure every other day, but it doesn’t take much to sand blast the ash off or clip the nails for that matter. Ain’t nothing like looking at some one’s busted up feet to ruin a day!! LOL!!